An appropriately designed plan enables your organization to maximize results, minimize expenses and achieve your goals. We work with plan sponsors to develop a plan design that meets your organization's objectives while following Department of Labor (DOL) and IRS regulatory requirements.

Diligence on the front of plan design removes many of the headaches others encounter down the road through poor design. Let Greystone Capital's experience help your organization create a plan that provides you with a competitive advantage.


Pension law says that you will be judged on your investment process. We take that a step further, to include performance output as part of that process.

At Greystone Capital, we act as an investment watchdog continually reviewing fund selection, fees and performance.

We conduct detailed and independent plan reviews of investments to provide monitoring reports and specific recommendations that help keep your plans in compliance and investments profitable.

We help manage risk by assisting in the development of formal investment policy statements, establishing clear criteria for selecting and monitoring investment managers and installing comprehensive fiduciary processes that include developing committees to oversee investments, education and the overall efficiency of the plans.

You're probably judged in part on the return on investment of your work. Why should your plan's investment monitoring be any different?


On May 18, 2015, the U.S. Supreme Court unanimously held in Tibble v. Edison International that fiduciaries of 401(k) retirement plans have a continuing duty under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA) to monitor an investment alternative offered under a 401(k) plan after it is selected. In monitoring an investment alternative, the fiduciaries must engage in a prudent process.

Greystone Capital utilizes a proprietary process to assist plan fiduciaries in meeting their investment monitoring obligations.

Investment Monitoring & Analysis:

  • Customizable fund evaluation with a tailored analysis for your plan
  • Analyze active, passive and target date funds with unique evaluation criteria options
  • Built-in fund research tools to help with fund replacements, investment analysis and platform evaluation
  • Documentation of monitoring and analysis for DOL compliance

Fee Analysis | Lineup Comparison:

  • Fee analysis & benchmarking to review plan fees and how plan costs compare to peers
  • Lineup comparison of up to five different lineups
  • Comparison of performance, fees, plan costs, and even of how assets will map from one lineup to another
  • Documentation of analysis for DOL compliance